Artwork for Forty Drinks
When she turned 40, Stephanie did something a little ridiculous. Instead of having a party, she had forty drinks with forty people in forty different places - and each drink had a connection to her friend or the relationship. What began as a wacky way to celebrate, and to extend the milestone into a yearlong adventure, turned into something else. The 40 Drinks Project was a powerful, soul-searching journey that changed Stephanie’s life profoundly. Growing out of the project, Stephanie became captivated by the big “four oh,” and how other people dealt with the milestone birthday. The podcast captures conversations with people about their life experience around turning 40 and what 40 means to them. No matter how you slice it, 40 is a crossroads, the halfway mark if you will. We’ll talk to people in their 40s to see what turning 40 was like for them. And we’ll talk to people in later decades to reflect on their 40s and how they were different from previous decades. And we may even catch up with some of the original Forty Drinks friends to see how they’re doing. (The Forty Drinks Podcast)
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

Forty Drinks

When she turned 40, Stephanie did something a little ridiculous. Instead of having a party, she had forty drinks with forty people in forty different places - and each drink had a connection to her friend or the relationship. What began as a wacky way to celebrate, and to extend the milestone into a yearlong adventure, turned into something else. The 40 Drinks Project was a powerful, soul-searching journey that changed Stephanie’s life profoundly. Growing out of the project, Stephanie became captivated by the big “four oh,” and how other people dealt with the milestone birthday. The podcast captures conversations with people about their life experience around turning 40 and what 40 means to them. No matter how you slice it, 40 is a crossroads, the halfway mark if you will. We’ll talk to people in their 40s to see what turning 40 was like for them. And we’ll talk to people in later decades to reflect on their 40s and how they were different from previous decades. And we may even catch up with some of the original Forty Drinks friends to see how they’re doing. (The Forty Drinks Podcast)
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo